“We are heightening our call for justice and this would not end with Geertman’s burial. His death would haunt the Aquino presidency until he is pushed to do something,” Joseph Canlas said, Amgl chairperson and chairman of the Board of Trustees of Alay Bayan Luson, Inc. (Abi) where Geertman was the executive director.
The caravan briefly stopped at Plaza Miranda, Angeles city for an indignation rally then coursed through city San Fernando, Pampanga, Concepcion town in Tarlac, Cabanatuan City, Nueva Ecija, Baler, Aurora, then finally the town of Maria Aurora. Farmer members of Aguman Maglalautang de Capampangan (AMC-Pampanga), Alyansa ng Magbubukid sa Tarlak (AMT), AMGL – Nueva Ecija saluted Geertman service to the poor farmers of the region and bid him farewell at respective short stops at each province. The caravan was finally received in Baler town by farmers belonging to Panlalawigang Alyansa ng Magbubukid ng Aurora (Pamana), the group which Geertman helped to organized. His remains would be laid to rest tomorrow in Baler.
“Geertman may be laid to rest, but his goals would be further realized. His sacrifice has made more people aware that the Aquino government is concretely oppressing farmers like us and killing those who help us, we hold him primarily responsible because he is the number one promoter of the counter-insurgency program Oplan Bayanihan,” Canlas said.
“We salute Willem’s service and sacrifice, his loyalty and sense of justice is for the people, he is the total opposite of Noynoy Aquino who lives in pleasure by exploiting the farmworkers of Hacienda Luisita,” Canlas said.
Amgl and Anakpawis Partylist committed to intensify the campaign to demand justice for Geertman.
“We would resolutely fight for justice to be served for Willem, wherever it may take us. The people is supporting us and grateful for Willem’s service. Aquino and his mad dogs should wait for the time we would hold them responsible,” Canlas said. #